A web based cottage industry
offering high quality sport and scale rubber powered FF models

CB Model designs has now gone electric with the
JOULBOX 190 and APACHE II E-36 models


our products - JOULEBOX 190 E-36 Competition and Sport Model



E-36 Competition and Sport Model

Build a winner right out of the box and step into E-36 competition in the easiest possible way!
The Joulebox 190 is the first E-36 turnkey kit on the market and allows for quick building and clear and simple setup for electric powered high performance free flight competition. 

The Joulebox 190 is available in three kit configurations to give you the most options to enjoy this design, see below for the  details of our Deluxe, Standard and Short kits.  

The basic JOULEBOX design proved itself in competition even before being kitted as the JOULEBOX 190.  The JOULEBOX was designed and flown by John Oldenkamp, one of the founders of the E-36 class of free flight competition.  We took the design and refined it even more for light weight, fast construction and even better flight performance and dubbed the production model the JOULEBOX 190 

Design Features of the JOULEBOX 190:

·       Wing construction includes built-in washout method to provide this important characteristic as you construct the wing

·       ·8.8% Neemeyer flat bottom airfoil section is utilized for wing and stabilizer

·       ·Custom designed spherical motor mount assembly makes thrust adjustments easy for power trim settings; something not seen on any other E-36 design to date

·       ·Lightweight construction method that features interlocking features throughout

Deluxe Kit   ( )

·       High quality laser cut balsa and plywood parts-fit checked and flight proven prior to kit release

·        High quality balsa strip stock for wing spar caps, turbulator spars for wing and horizontal stabilizer

·        Air Shark P90 grade carbon tube tail boom

·        Two color Esaki tissue covering material

·       CAD drawings for construction

·        Construction manual

·        Complete hardware package for everything noted on the kit drawing, including the dethermalizer system

·        Full drive train component package that includes the Starlink-Flitetech electronic timer for E-36

·        7.5 X 4 Graupner folding prop with Texas Timers prop hub assembly

Standard Kit :  ( )

·       Everything except the electronic timer, drive train components and related hardware, prop blades and hub

Short Kit :  ( )

·       The Short KIt includes just the laser cut parts, CAD drawings and construction manual.

·       You provide the strip stock, carbon tube and everything else required to complete the model

Wingspan: 36 inches projected
Wing Area: 189.4 square inches
Nominal length 31-5/8 inches
Nominal airframe weight uncovered 58 grams
Nominal weight 150 grams

JOUELBOX 190 - Construction Manual   (263 KB PDF file)
A printed copy of this Construction Manual is included with each kit . 

JOULEBOX 190 - Construction Detail   (~ 8 MB PDF file)
This Construction Detail file is available online only.
It is suitable for viewing online, or if you like, it can be printed out

Sample of JOULEBOX 190 CAD drawn plans  



Click HERE for the JOULEBOX 190 MK II
which supersedes the JOULEBOX 190

We are maintaining these pages for the BOOMER MK II for our past customers and general reference
  • Domestic Shipping and Handling charges are based on the costs of shipping our full our partial kits from our west coast facility to the far east coast of the United States. Currently a single full or short kit ships for $12, 2 ship for $17 and 3 for $23.

  • If the actual Shipping and Handling costs to your location are less than what was collected during the PayPal checkout process by $2 or more, a refund will be issued to you PayPal account for the excess shipping costs.

  • Please email us  for an estimate of shipping and handling charges for quantities of kits in excess of 3.

  • sales tax for California residents is 9.25%

  • Please email us to inquire about international shipping and handling charges

JOULEBOX 190 pics:

  copyright 2015 CB Model Designs
This page last updated November 14, 2017