Design Features of the JOULEBOX 190:
Wing construction includes built-in washout method to provide
this important characteristic as you construct the wing
· ·8.8%
Neemeyer flat bottom airfoil section is utilized for wing and
· ·Custom
designed spherical motor mount assembly makes thrust adjustments
easy for power trim settings; something not seen on any other
E-36 design to date
· ·Lightweight
construction method that features interlocking features
Deluxe Kit ( )
High quality laser cut balsa and plywood parts-fit checked and
flight proven prior to kit release
High quality balsa strip stock for wing spar caps, turbulator
spars for wing and horizontal stabilizer
Air Shark P90 grade carbon tube tail boom
Two color Esaki tissue covering material
drawings for construction
Construction manual
Complete hardware package for everything noted on the kit
drawing, including the dethermalizer system
Full drive train component package that includes the
Starlink-Flitetech electronic timer for E-36
7.5 X 4 Graupner folding prop with Texas Timers prop hub
Standard Kit
: ( )
Everything except the electronic timer, drive train components
and related hardware, prop blades and hub
Short Kit
: ( )
The Short KIt includes just the laser cut parts, CAD drawings
and construction manual.
You provide the strip stock, carbon tube and everything else
required to complete the model
Specifications: |
Wingspan: |
36 inches projected |
Wing Area: |
square inches |
Nominal length |
inches |
Nominal airframe weight uncovered |
58 grams |
Nominal weight |
150 grams |